Tuesday, December 24, 2019

How Marine Life Is Affected By The Changes Of The Environment

How Marine Life is Affected by the Changes of the Environment Introduction Marine life is affected by the changes of the environment due to both human and natural causes. Some human causes I will discuss are pollution and the destruction of land for human uses. A natural cause I will talk about is temperature change. Temperature is expected to change naturally, but not at the rapid rate it is going now. Pollution Humans are the main polluter. We have polluted both the atmosphere and the ocean. We pollute the atmosphere by releasing vast amount of carbon through factories and cars. â€Å"Air pollution is killing 3.3 million people a year worldwide†. â€Å"the yearly death total will double to about 6.6 million a year by 2050† â€Å"In 2010, there was a total death of 54,905 due to soot and smog. 16,929 deaths out of 54,905 was due to power plants† (Borenstein). Our waste such as plastic and contaminated water makes its way to the ocean. There, it has a devastating effect on marine life. According to Lowenberg, ingestion of plastic can â€Å"result in poor health, reduced growth rates and reproductive output, or death†. A marine life that is most affected is the sea turtles. Not only are the sea turtles affected, but also their nesting sites and the baby sea turtles. Birds are also affected. â€Å"90% of birds have ingested plastics in the past 30 years† (Lowenberg). â€Å"By 2050, any bird found dead will have plastic in its stomach† (Shukman). â€Å"5.25 trillion plastic particles weighing some 269,000 tonsShow MoreRelatedMarine Ecosystem1607 Words   |  7 PagesThe earths oceans provide an enormous range of resources and affect the quality of life as we know it. The oceans cover approximately 70 percent of the surface of the earth and have a cyclical effect on weather, e.g. temperature, precipitation and air qualit y. 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In fact, humans have had a major negative impact on the world’s marine environment. Throughout recent human history, it has been obvious that the wellbeing of the marine environment has been in jeopardy. Pollution of the ocean, overfishing and the greenhouse gases these are all the aspects that can cause the destroying of the precious environments, such as reefs, sea-grass and coastal habitats. According to the essay and interview â€Å"Seafarming at the EndRead MoreLand Destruction By Tourist Attractions885 Words   |  4 Pagesreefs are an example of marine life endangered by this idea. Though coral reefs are beautiful to view, boats on top of the coral can destroy and hit the reefs. This is a big problem because coral reefs are home to millions of marine life. According to the book, Destroying the Oceans, â€Å"coral reefs are home to one quarter of Earth’s marine animals and plants†. With that, many habits are also destroyed. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

Understanding Economics Free Essays

From as long as I could remember Taxes have always been apart of our daily lives. Taxes can often be a big burden for most, they can also be a help and used for many other functions. If it was not for taxation our roads, public buildings would be a complete mess. We will write a custom essay sample on Understanding Economics or any similar topic only for you Order Now Our emergency services such as, law enforcement, EMT, and Fire/rescue thrive off of tax dollars, many of our healthcare offices also use tax payers money to stay open. The taxing process from distribution to collecting them has people on the fence with different point of views. In this paper I will be discussing the questions raised about taxation. What happens to net personal income when the government raises taxes? When the government raises taxes, it will decrease your net personal income. As the government raises taxes, most people’s net personal income will decrease, which means that their disposable income decreases as well. When this happens people tend to spend less money only to avoid going into debt, which will soon affect the market’s income because they are no longer buying goods and services with their disposable income. This problem will eventually lead to a decrease in total tax revenue as the gross incomes of the population can drop. When the government lowers taxes? When the government lowers taxes people feel more comfortable with spending more of their money. Lower taxes allow the population to buy more goods and services because they know that their money will go a long way. The lowering of taxes along with a controlled government over looking spending will have a fast and positive effect on the economy. People spending more money will not only stimulate the economy, but will eventually lead to more jobs. Lower taxes equals’ happy people and a better economy. How is GDP affected by higher taxes and Lower taxes? The Gross domestic product (GDP) is affected when the government brings in more taxes then they spend, reducing disposable income and slowing the growth of the economy. That is when Fiscal policy comes into place causing some type of stabilization to the economy along with higher taxes. According to E-how, â€Å"Tax cuts mean more disposable income for individuals and more retained earnings for businesses. The impact on the GDP depends on what individuals and businesses do with the extra cash. If households buy more goods and businesses increase hiring and capital equipment purchases, the GDP will increase. A reduction in taxes also means less revenue for the government at all levels, which generally leads to lower government spending, higher deficits or both ( eHow. com, 2012). † What other economic factors are affected when taxes are raised or lowered, and how are they affected? Other economic factors that are affected by the rise and falling of taxes are, sales tax, healthcare, and major government programs. When sales tax is raised it puts a financial strain on employers and individuals, and will result in job loss. Healthcare services thrive off of the rise in taxes and when taxes fall they suffer tremendously. Low income families depend on these services and without the proper funds. Government programs are affected when revenue result in increased taxes. When this happens, these government funded programs has to increase their budgets. Once funds start coming in slowly then these programs such as, military, FBI, Medicare, Medicaid, , and social security, once taxes are increased these programs are able to maintain. â€Å"In fiscal year 2009, state governments spent 40 percent of their budgets on K-12 and higher education and 26 percent of their budgets on social programs such as Medicaid, transportation, corrections and public assistance. Funding for the following programs increase as tax revenues increase (eHow. com, 2012). † Should the government increase tax rates on everyone as a way to equalize incomes and wealth? No, the government should not raise taxes on everyone, only for those who are extremely wealthy like Earvin ‘Magic’ Johnson, who is worth $700 million. The middle class are going to suffer from the tax increase. This is a political problem that will cause more headaches for everyone and will probably end with the middle class paying more in taxes. Now we know that taxes will make or break things in this nation, and will cause a lot of debates amongst government officials. Taxes will be around forever and we have to get use them changing, I have discussed the questions about the taxing process and I hope you will take something from it. How to cite Understanding Economics, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Impairment Under Australian Accounting †Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Impairment Under Australian Accounting? Answer: Introduction Impairment refers damage. In reference to the accounting prospective impairment refers to a reduction in value or reduction in future benefits from any asset or profit generating unit. Impairment accounting under Australian accounting standards is done under AASB 136. This essay is written for putting lights on the topic of reversal of impairment loss on goodwill. Impairment loss Additional book value of assets in the cash generating unit over the recoverable amount, of cash generating unit, known as impairment loss on such cash generating unit (Anon., 2017). Book value means carrying amount of asset or carrying amount of all assets in cash generating unit. Recoverable amount means amount that can be recovered by the organization from assets in cash generating unit. Such amount can be recovered either through use or through sale in open market. Highest amount that can be recovered from the assets in cash generating unit is known as recoverable amount of cash generating unit. Impairment loss of goodwill Self generated goodwill is not allowed for the organization to record as accounting asset. It can be recorded only when a company pays price for assets and liabilities at an amount higher then identifiable amount. Impairment of goodwill recorded when recoverable amount of assets of cash generating unit of goodwill will become lower than their carrying amount (Seetharaman et al., 2006). Under this method firstly organization required to identify cash generating unit then determine book value of assets in cash generating unit and amount that can be recovered by the organization from cash generating units assets. After this impairment loss for the cash generating unit will determine. This impairment loss firstly apportioned to the goodwill and remaining will apportioned to all assets of cash generating units in the ratio of their carrying amounts (Shoaf Zaldivar, 2005). Moreover, as per IFRS 3 goodwill cannot be amortized on the basis of discretion of the organization. This standard mandates that goodwill can only be tested for impairment annually and cannot be undergone to other unsystematic amortization. Reversal of impairment loss An impairment loss is allowed to reverse for assets other than goodwill when impairment loss decreased. This reversal of impairment loss on assets other than goodwill always remains below the amount of impairment loss net of amortization accounted earlier on the assets other than goodwill (International Accounting Standards Committee, 1998). Due to the reversal of impairment loss future depreciation on assets other than goodwill will be effected. However, the rules for reversal of impairment of goodwill are different from the rules for reversal of impairment loss on tangible assets. As per AASB 136, paragraph 124 and 125, reversal of impairment of goodwill is cannot be done. If goodwill related to any cash generated unit impaired ones then it cannot be reversed like other assets of cash generated units by the rule of reversal of impairment loss (Australian Accounting Standards Board, 2007). Moreover, as per AASB 136 goodwill can only record by the organization when such goodwill such goodwill purchased by the organization. When goodwill ones impaired by the organization then it will terminate to be an asset. When an impairment loss is reversed by the organization on such impaired goodwill then such reversal will result in the accounting of internally generated goodwill in the books of accounts on the basis of self generated estimates (Australian Accounting Standards Board, 2007). In turn, this will result in a violation of the Australian accounting standard. Furthermore, not only AASB 136 but also various accounting standards like US GAPP, IFRS (Wines et al., 2007), Indian accounting standards etc also impose a prohibition on the reversal of impairment of goodwill. IAS 36 specifically imposes a ban on the reversal of impairment loss on the goodwill. These accounting standards also prohibit such reversal due to same reason i.e. reversal of impairment loss on the impaired good will result in the accounting of internally generated goodwill in the books of accounts on the basis of self generated estimates. In turn, this will result in a violation of the accounting standard. In addition to this, as there is a prohibition on the accounting of internally generated goodwill in the books of accounts on the basis of self generated estimates, hence revaluation of goodwill is also prohibited. Because revaluation of goodwill also results in the accounting of internally generated goodwill in the books of accounts on the basis of self generated estimat es. Conclusion Above discussion provides various arguments regarding the accounting for the impairment and specifically accounting for impairment of goodwill and reversal of impairment loss on goodwill. This discussion presents a clear conclusion that it is not possible to account reversal of impairment loss on goodwill. Organizations can only reduce the amount of goodwill at their own discretion, judgments and accounting estimations but they cannot increase the amount of goodwill either by making a revaluation of goodwill asset or by reversing goodwill impairment. Since, this addition will result in the accounting of self generated goodwill asset, which is prohibited. References , 2017. IAS 36 Impairment of Assets. [Online] Available at: https://www.iasplus.com/en/standards/ias/ias36 [Accessed 2017 september 12]. Australian Accounting Standards Board, 2007. Impairment of Assets. [Online] Available at: https://www.aasb.gov.au/admin/file/content105/c9/AASB136_07-04_COMPapr07_07-07.pdf [Accessed 12 september 2017]. International Accounting Standards Committee, 1998. Impairment of assets. International Accounting Standards Committee. Seetharaman, A., Sreenivasan, J., Sudha, R. Ya Yee, T., 2006. Managing impairment of goodwill. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 7(3), pp.338-53. Shoaf, V. Zaldivar, I., 2005. goodwill impairment. Review of Business, 26(2), p.31. Wines, G., Dagwell, R. Windsor, C., 2007. Implications of the IFRS goodwill accounting treatment. Managerial Auditing Journal, 22(9), pp.862-80.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Information and Communication Technologies in Education

Introduction Modern educators focus on finding the most appropriate and effective means to teach students and guarantee the active teaching and learning processes. In this case, the developed information and communication technologies (ICT) provide a lot of possibilities to plan and implement the effective teaching and learning methods and techniques.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Information and Communication Technologies in Education specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The sphere of ICT develops quickly, and today there is a range of technologies which can be successfully used in the everyday learning process at school and university. From this perspective, educators choose to integrate ICT into the teaching process because of a variety of advantages associated with the usage of contemporary technologies (Simon Nemeth, 2012). Thus, different ICT which are available for educators can be successfully used to enha nce the learning process, to stimulate students’ skills and abilities, to develop motivation, and to improve students’ performance. It is necessary to pay attention to the effectiveness of using such game-oriented ICT as multi-touch systems and such ICT as vodcasts in different age groups. Although the representatives of various age groups perceive the information presented with the help of ICT in a different way, the levels of the students’ performance and motivation can be discussed as high, and this fact allows speaking about the effectiveness of using different ICT in education. To conclude about the effectiveness of using ICT in the learning and teaching processes, it is necessary to focus on such aspects as the impact of using ICT on students’ learning and motivation, perception, and performance. The Impact of Different ICT on Students’ Learning and Motivation There is no single idea in relation to the effect of ICT on students’ learni ng and motivation because of impossibility to state strictly about the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of traditional teaching methods. ICT are actively used by educators in order to make the material presented more understandable and interesting for students and to stimulate their certain activities. From this point, ICT are used in their combination with the traditional teaching methods and techniques (Ardito et al., 2013). Moreover, appropriate ICT can be selected according to the needs of the age group, topic of the planned activities, and the objective set by an educator.Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Thus, to achieve the education goals in primary and secondary schools, it is effective to orient to the game activities. Modern ICT provide the opportunity to discuss a game as a part of the learning process. Different types of material can be presented to students in various way s. The form of the game based on using ICT provokes the additional interest of students to the activities. As a result, the usage of ICT can be considered as the additional motivator for students who become involved in the learning process (Ardito et al., 2013). To guarantee the understanding of the material and the development of definite skills, educators combine the methods of traditional teaching with ICT. This technique allows making the teaching process complete. The focus only on a game, ICT, or traditional methods cannot provide the effective results of the students’ learning process (Sluis Nijholt, 2012). Moreover, this situation can lead to decreasing students’ motivation and interest in the process. That is why, the complex approach is more advantageous. Thus, the historic material presented in the form of a game based on the multi-touch system is learnt by students more actively (Ardito et al., 2013). Students studying at high school, college, university, or student teachers can develop their motivation and improve learning with the help of more progressive or complex ICT. Different kinds of computers, computer programs, podcasts, and vodcasts are used to improve the teaching and learning processes. The development of new technologies provides new opportunities and previous effective technologies can be discussed as out-of-date. Thus, today vodcasts are discussed as more effective than podcasts which were actively used in education years ago. Vodcasts can provide students with more materials, information, and stimuli than podcasts (McNeill Fry, 2012). Students need illustration and demonstration in order to follow certain instructions and perform definite activities. In this case, such ICT as vodcasts function as illustration for students in order to provide them with the certain knowledge. Multi-media systems can be used effectively when an educator uses the appropriate instruction (Sluis Nijholt, 2012).Advertising We will wr ite a custom essay sample on Information and Communication Technologies in Education specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More For instance, vodcasts can be ineffective to stimulate students’ learning process if they are not provided with the appropriate instruction to control students’ activities (McNeill Fry, 2012). The Effects of ICT on Students’ Perception Students are inclined to react more actively to vivid and interesting objects or materials which attract their attention immediately. The students’ interest in relation to the material can guarantee their further high performance regarding this or that subject. That is why, educators should focus on methods to stimulate students’ perception and reaction to the information and new knowledge. ICT can be discussed as the rather effective means to influence students’ perception (Ardito et al., 2013). Students’ perception is based on analyzing the new information and on its comparison with the knowledge with exists in students’ minds and memory. Thus, the new information is perceived during several stages, and these stages do not depend on the form of information perceived. However, the abilities of students to perceive this or that kind of information presented in the form of written text, audio, or an image are often different because students have various dominating types of perception (McNeill, Mukherjee, Singh, 2012). Nevertheless, different ICT can contribute to the development of students perception abilities in spite of the kind of the information presented. Thus, game activities involve the usage of the written text, images, and audio, and the students’ concentration increases as well as the participation in the learning process can become more active (Ardito et al., 2013). Such technologies as multi-media systems and vodcasts can contribute to students’ active participation in the learning process because they depend on the diverse presentation of information. From this point, the students’ reaction should be also active. The technology-based learning is discussed as more informal and active. Thus, students become the centre of the learning process, and they can use all the advantages provided by modern information technologies (Ardito et al., 2013). The informal learning with using the Internet, multi-media systems, podcasts, and vodcasts is more attractive for students because of their possibility to participate in the process more actively and consciously.Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More For instance, attending lectures and seminars, students can prepare the vodcasts independently (McNeill Fry, 2012). Modern technologies can be considered as providing more opportunities for teachers to improve their strategy and for students to improve their skills and abilities. Students’ interest and understanding of the material can be influenced by using different resources and methods. Educational games, puzzles, quizzes, and tests can be presented not only with the help of traditional teaching techniques but also with the help of modern technologies which expand the range of variants for using this or that resource, method, or technique. Multi-touch displays, online educational games, online tests, podcasts, and vodcasts can be effective to change the approach to teaching and learning processes (Ardito et al., 2013). Furthermore, the usage of ICT stimulates communication between students, and this fact is advantageous for completing group and team tasks effectively. Th us, ICT can stimulate students’ perception with references to using resources and technologies which help apply the academic material to the real world situation. The Connection between Using ICT and Students’ Academic Performance Those technologies which are used in the classroom environments are oriented to develop students’ abilities and to improve students’ performance. Thus, the usage of ICT in education can be discussed as ineffective approach if students’ performance is not affected positively with references to technologies. That is why, researchers focus on examining changes in students’ performance depending on the frequency of using different technologies in the classroom. According to Ardito and the group of researchers, positive trends connected with increasing students’ results and improvement of their performance are observed after several weekends of the regular usage of ICT in the classroom environments in order to pr ovide certain material, present instruction, and stimulate activities (Ardito et al., 2013). It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that such ICT as multi-touch displays and systems are effective to promote and control a lot of everyday classroom activities which are usually associated with using many resources. From this point, these technologies not only influence students’ performance positively but also minimize the resources used by an educator along with maximizing positive effects. The changes in the students’ performance can be discussed with references to such aspects as changes in students’ learning activities, perception, and behaviour. Thus, the integration of ICT affects the teaching and learning processes as complexes, and high performance is the result of changes in the students’ understanding or comprehending the material. The assessment of students’ performance allows drawing conclusions about the general effectiveness of usi ng ICT in education. Simon and Nemeth focus on the fact that the alternations in performance can be directly associated with the changes in the students’ attitude toward the learning process (Simon Nemeth, 2012). The concentration on informal learning provokes students’ positive attitude and interest because of decreasing the stress and making the process more diverse. The improved performance is also connected with the concept of self-improvement. Thus, using vodcasts and online materials, students receive the opportunity to assess their successes independently and pay attention to the moments which should be changed or improved (McNeill Fry, 2012). From this perspective, new technologies help educators make the teaching process more focused on students. Individualization is one of the main characteristic features of the modern approaches in education (Ardito et al., 2013). ICT with a range of opportunities provided respond to the needs of the modern education orien ted to students and stimulation of their successes in study. Educators use ICT in order to differentiate instruction and reduce those forms of explanation which can decrease students’ attention and concentration on the object of discussion. ICT are appropriate to be used at different stages of the teaching process and to control the students’ involvement into activities (Ardito et al., 2013). This feature of ICT also works for the benefits of students because they can participate actively in the process during all the stages without reducing concentration and attention. For instance, focusing on vodcasts, students can improve their performance while analyzing their mistakes and paying attention to achievements (McNeill Fry, 2012). The communication based on ICT with the other students can also stimulate their motivation and activities with improving performance results. Conclusion The evaluation of ICT usage in the field of education can be possible only with referenc es to assessing changes in the students’ performance and to appropriateness of the techniques for helping teachers realize set objectives. ICT are important to be used in the field of education because researchers predict that further changes in the sphere will be closely associated with the development of new technologies with improved and extended functions. The focus on using ICT in combination with the methods of traditional teaching and learning can be rather effective for the development of students’ perception and performance. It is important to note that modern technologies can be effectively used by educators not only for improving the teaching strategies but also for stimulating students’ motivation. From this point, it is necessary to choose technologies which can be used successfully in different classroom environments depending on the students’ age category. ICT in education can affect the changes in approaches to developing education strateg ies. If ICT are used appropriately, they contribute to maximizing the advantages of the teaching and learning processes. That is why, further research is significant in order to focus on the most effective ways to integrate ICT in education to receive the highest results. References Ardito, C., Lanzilotti, R., Costabile, M. F., Desolda, G. (2013). Integrating traditional learning and games on large displays: An experimental study. Educational Technology Society, 16(1), 44–56. McNeill, M., Fry, J. (2012). The value of ICT from a learning game-playing perspective. Journal of Research, 7(1), 45-52. McNeill, M., Mukherjee, S., Singh, G. (2010). Podcasting in physical education teacher education. ICHPER-SD Journal of Research, 5(1), 16-19. Simon, F., Nemeth, K. (2012). Digital decisions: Choosing the right technology tools for early childhood education. USA: Gryphon House. Sluis, F., Nijholt, A. (2012). Designing a museum multi-touch table for children. INTETAIN, 4(7), 139-1 48. This essay on Information and Communication Technologies in Education was written and submitted by user Kane Mendoza to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Essay about critical thought

Essay about critical thought Essay about critical thought EXPLORING ISLAMIC INTELLECTUAL TRADTIONS IN AFRICA. -define Islamic intellectual tradtions -classical literature vs modern litertature - Islamic ideology in Africa - Is there room for critical thought within classical Islamic thinking and does modern Islamic thinking have a future within the study of Islam. A critical spirit has been central to Islam from its inception. The Qur'an is generously sprinkled with references to thought and learning, reflection and reason. The Sacred Text denounces those who do not use their critical faculties in strongest terms: "the worse creatures in God's eyes are those who are [willfully] deaf and dumb, who do not reason" (8:22). A cursory look at the life of Muhammad reveals that his strategic decisions were an outcome of critical discussions. The way he decided, for example, to fight the Battle of Badr outside Medina, or, later on, defend the city by digging a trench. The Prophet's basic advice to his followers, in one version of his " Farewell Pilgrimage", was to " reason well"1. The scholarship that evolved around collecting the traditions and sayings of the Prophet was itself based on an innovative and detailed method of criticism. It is widely acknowledged that debate and discussion, argument and counter-argument, literary textual criticism as well as scientific criticism were hallmarks of the classical Muslim civilisation2. Roger Allen traces the Islamic tradition of criticism right back to Abu Tammam (d.846) and ibn Abd Rabbihi (d.940), two poets who also excelled in literary criticism3. Islamic philosophical theology is littered with critical works, such as those of Ibn Hazm (994-–1064) , ibn Sina (990-–1037) and ibn Rushd (1126-1198). Critical discernment is clearly evident in the work of Muslim scientists of classical period such as al-Haytham (965-–1040), who excelled in optics, the natural and social scientist al-Biruni (973-–1048), and the astronomer al-Battani (858-–929). Debate and discussion, as for example the one between al-Ghazzali (1058-–1111) and ibn Rushd, were the norm in classical Islam. Yet, with the exception of a relatively small number of reform oriented scholars, thinkers and activists of all ages, this critical spirit is lacking in the modern Muslim world. The reasons for the evaporation of this critical thought are many and diverse. Perhaps it was all the fault of al-Ghazali, as "a widely held view" has it: he "strongly attacked philosophy in The Incoherence of the Philosophers" and, as a result, "their role was significantly reduced in the Sunni world"4, along with the importance of criticism. Perhaps it was "the well-known decree of al-Qadir in 1017-18 and 1029", that banned the rationalist thought of the Mutazalites, the school of speculative theology that flourished in Baghdad and Andalusia between eighth and twelfth centuries, as the late Mohammad Arkoun suggests. As a consequence, "to this day, the ulama officially devoted to the defence of the orthodoxy, refuse to reactivate the thinkable introduced and developed by original, innovative thinkers in classical period"5. Perhaps it was the closure of "the gates of Ijtihad", the "sustained reasoning" that a jurist had to undertake to critically interrogate Islamic law and reach an independent decision, that sealed the door to criticism. :While no one actually closed the gate, it came to be treated, as Sadakat Kadri notes, "as a historical fact rather than a poetically pleasing way of saying that jurists were no longer as good as they used to be"6. Perhaps it was because Muslim societies could not develop "legally autonomous corporate governance", Arabic thought is "essentially metaphysical" and incapable of developing universalism, and Muslim culture and ethos is just too reverential to religious authorities, as Toby Huff has argued7. Perhaps criticism died out because of a lack of any kind of state support or protection for dissent; or maybe it was the colonization of the Muslim world.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Difference Between a Book Report and A Book Review

Difference Between a Book Report and A Book Review The difference between book report and book review is critical, so you have to pay close attention to what you are expected to come up with: if you need to sum up and enumerate, youre in for a book summary (book report), but if you need to analyze, you want to write a book review. There is a great deal of confusion when it comes to discussing book reports and book reviews. As a matter of fact, these two terms keep used quite interchangeably, while a deeper dig-in shows some principal differences between the two. If you submit a book report and you were asked to write a book review, your grade is most likely to go down. The opposite situation, i.e. when you submit a book review instead of a book report, may also entail adverse consequences. Book review writing is believed to require greater intellectual effort than book reports, thats why your marker will most likely forgive you this mistake. HOW TO WRITE A BOOK REVIEW Speaking of differences, first of all, you will have to understand that a book report is simpler (a more primitive if you will) kind of writing, where you have to narrate re-tell the story. A book report is practically identical to a book summary  and they can be used interchangeably. In contrast,  a book review requires you to analyze the book and see beyond the obvious. In it, you will need to examine its contents, understand the plot, the main message of the book, see if the author has managed to convey the message to the reader; you will also have to state strong and weak sides of the book and say whether or not you like it. More differences between the two terms are as follows: LENGTH.  Book report will usually take 200-250 words. Book reviews will range from 200 words if its a simple book to 1000+ words if its a piece of scholarly literature that needs thorough analysis and evaluation. ACADEMIC LEVEL.  Book report is considered to be a K-12 level assignment. Book review is more of a college-level type of assignment. STRUCTURE.  The structure of two papers resemble one another: first off, you would need to introduce the author, the book, state when and who the book was published by. You would need to mention characters, mention the plot, genre, and major themes. MESSAGE.  If you write a book report, you would need to simply sum up the book plot, characters, state major themes and say a few words about the major characters. If you are writing a book summary, the main idea is to say whether or not you like the book, whether or not you would recommend this book to other readers and why. HOW TO WRITE A BOOK REPORT Either of these assignments is generally easy to write, however, each has its own nuances that you need to know. If you have either a book report or a book review to write, feel free to contact us for assistance and we will be happy to help. Our team of professional writers will be glad to help you through book report or book review writing. In the end of our cooperation, you will have learned how to tackle these assignments effectively and ace your assignments.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Journey from LPN to RN Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Journey from LPN to RN - Essay Example ctations, educational/professional outlooks, and personal encounters which have helped to transform the experience of this author from an LPN to an RN. Ultimately, for me there were two paths which could have been taken with regards to transitioning from an LPN to an RN. These paths are as follows: upon completion and residency as an LPN for a period of approximately one year, I could have applied for a bachelor’s of science in nursing (BSN) degree double ultimately translate into an RN. An alternate means to achieve the same goal is after completing university to apply for and complete a Master’s of Science in Nursing degree which serves as something of an accelerated LPN to RN program without any requirements for prior work experience. Although the secondary option is perhaps the more strenuous, it cannot be said to be more difficult due to the fact that it does not have any type of residency or prior work experience requirement attached to it as does the first alternative. With regards to the personal experience of this individual, the path from LPN to RN has taken the first path which has been mentioned. Even thou gh hindsight is perfect, if it was possible to make the choice over again, it would necessarily be the same as it was the first time. This is due to the fact that this particular path has been able to provide me with a high degree of hands on experience and the application of knowledge directly into the field that pursuing the Masters program directly from the LPN would not have been able to provide. Likewise, upon entering the program, I had a strong personal desire to further my education due to the fact that my husband was suffering from a very serious condition; further encouraging me to do all that I could and pour myself completely into studying the requirements that were placed in front of me. Another primary reason that I chose this path was with regards to the fact that the RN’s scope and job responsibilities allowed for a far greater

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Historiographical Survey of Nazi Germany Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Historiographical Survey of Nazi Germany - Essay Example Moreover, the country lead by Hitler was called as Nazi Germany which was one of the most powerful countries in that era. There are many aspects of Nazi Germany which can be discussed and there are many factors and questions which can be raised in this topic. As the twentieth century is filled with revolutions, the movement of Nazi Germany is also considered as or can be perceived as a â€Å"Revolution† and Hitler being the â€Å"Revolutionist† for some people because it was the time when Germany was â€Å"Progressing† economically and militarily. Even though Nazi Germany and policies made by Hitler could be perceived as â€Å"Revolution† for some people, however, the movement of Nazi Germany was not a revolution because it was not well supported and appreciated by the people of the country. The debate of â€Å"Nazi Germany as a Revolution† is really important because it was the Nazi Germany which was one of the most prominent causes of world war tw o. Moreover, it was actually lead by an ideology called as â€Å"Fascism† on the basis of which the movement of Nazi Germany got its support from the people. In this way, this debate is also very important because it involves an ideology which was affecting not only the political but economic aspects of Japan, Italy, Austria and Germany. Furthermore, one of the most important features of Fascism and Fascist Nazi Germany headed by Adolf Hitler is that the economy tends to be independent from other countries and the economic needs of the country must be fulfilled y its own money and resources. In this way, the country also tends to be economically independent for its progress. In this way, the debate over Nazi Germany is very important because it was fascism and fascist Nazi policies due to which the economy of Germany was growing so fast. On the other hand, this debate over Nazi Germany also deals with the matter of the fact that their ideology known as â€Å"Fascism† w as totally opposite to that of communism and, later on, Germany fought with the Soviet Union which was a Communist regime. Besides this, the importance of this debate can also be estimated by the by the fact that it was Nazi Germany which started Second World War in which Nuclear Bomb was used for the first time in the history of human kind in which a large number of people were killed out of whom 22,565 are still alive. So this was the Germany itself which challenged the world and destroyed itself, and eventually leaving the rest of the world for the Cold War between Communism and Capitalism. Besides this, the debate over Nazi Germany is also very important because it involves and discusses the brutality over the Jews and, hence, teaches the younger generation about tolerance for the diversity of beliefs and equality for the people of all religions. Another important question can also be that even if it was a revolution then whether it was supported by bourgeoisie according to the Marxist view point (Henry, 185) or it was supported by the common masses of all classes? 1 The debate over the very controversial issue â€Å"Nazi as a Revolution† involves many questions and aspects which can be argued and discussed. For example, an 2important question surrounding this debate is that was Nazi policies and movement supported by the people of Germany? Similarly there are also many other questions surrounding this debate such as the question about the formation and building block of

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Christo and Jeane Claude Essay Example for Free

Christo and Jeane Claude Essay Christo and Jeane Claude are a husband and wife team. These two artists are famous for transforming the ordinary into fabulous artwork, such as wrapping buildings. They accept no government grants or funding, no donations, their only income is from the sales of their artwork. Nearly all of their artshows take place outdoors, often in public parks requiring no admission fees. Their identity or famous slogan as the wrapping artists came from their controversial work named Wrapped Reichstage, Berlin, 1971-1995, an entire German Parliament Building in silver fabric looking like a wedding cake. (Sternbergh,no date). Many significant national symbols have been transformed and giving new identities by many artists. Buildings, nature’s creations, world events have become best selling books, movies, musicals, songs and plays. Anytime an artist develops anything, adding their identity to it, the item takes on that new image. The Christos saw buildings in a way no one else saw it. The Reichstage building in Berlin became a piece of sculpture or artwork when Christo and Jeane Claude wrapped the building. Artwork expands on natural traditions, allowing others to use their imaginations to interpret the meanings. â€Å"The Christos have created some of the most breathtaking works of the 20th century using fabric in, over through and around natural and constructed forms† Powell, director of national art gallery. The Christos use fabric to give an original style to traditional paintings, sculptures and buildings† (no author, 2002).Wrapping the Reichstage building, giving the illusion of a wedding cake transformed the building into an artistic sculpture. Notes; Sternbergh, Adam (no date) The passion of the Christos; New York Entertainment; nymag. com date retrieved July 24, 2007 http://nymag. com/nymetro/arts/features/10897/ No author (2/4/2002) First American Survey of Christo and Jeanne Claude; artdaily. org; Date retrieved; July 24, 2007 http://www. artdaily. com/section/news/index. asp? int_sec=2int_new=48b=Christo%20and%20Jeanne-Claude

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Analysis and Treatment of Hunter S. Thompson for Substance Use Disorder

Hunter S. Thompson once said, â€Å"I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they’ve always worked for me.† There are no other words that would describe Dr. Thompson in a more accurate fashion. He lived his life like no other human being could ever imagine. He is arguably the most famous and creative writer to have lived, especially considering that he was the one who created the new style of writing that is referred to as â€Å"Gonzo† writing. He was the eye of a culture movement that left a significant impact on society’s perspective overall. Hunter was raised in a household that was below of average wealth; all while his friends were from the other side of town with considerable more wealth. His father passed away when he was at the age of 14, forcing his mother who was a heavy alcoholic to raise him and his brothers. His mother never had a grip on him allowing him to do as he pleased with no remorse. He was a child from hell that was continuously getting into mischief, whether it be vandalism, violence, pranks, theft, underage drinking, and just stirring up about anything he could. During his final days of being a senior in high school, he and two friends were arrested for theft. He was left in the jail system, while his two friends were released on the sole basis that they came from a family of wealth. He had the choice of staying in jail or joining the United States Air force, which he chose to serve his country. The one thing that Hunter really had a passion for was writing, in which he started at a young age and would continue to further develop his very own unique style of writing. His style of writing was non-traditional that went against every rule of journalism. It was a subjective form that ... ..., NSW: Centre for Parenting and Research Carter, G. & Gibney, A. (2008). Gonzo: The life and works of Dr. Hunter S. Thompson. United States: Mognolia Home Entertainment Studio. Higgins, C. (2013). Hunter S. Thompson’s daily routine. Mental_Floss, l. Hunter Stockton Thompson. (2013). The Biography Channel Website. Retreieved 6:39, Nov. 13, 2013. From Kring, M.A., Johnson, L.S., Davison, G., & Neale, J. (2012). Abnormal psychology. Danvers, MA: Wiley, John & Sons, Inc. Michael, S. (2010). The stress diathesis model of addiction. Psychneuro. Paulsen, O. & Moser, El. (1998). A model of hippocampal memory encoding and retrieval: GABAergic control of synaptic plasticity. Trends Neuroscience, 21, 273-278. Perkins, D. Lecture presented at Ball State University, Muncie, IN. (October 2013). Tucher, A. (2000). Thompson, Hunter S. American National Biography Online.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Team Building and Group

2. 1 Tuckman's forming storming norming performing model One of the most common and useful models of team management in today’s organization is Dr Bruce Tuckman’s stages of team development. This model was published in the 1987 in five stages of forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning. As seen in figure 1, this model demonstrate how, as team develop skills, knowledge, and attitude over time, their productivity also increase (Barker, 2011). This part of the group report reviews the performance of our group work according to the stages of Tuckman’s model.Figure 1 Tuckman's team development method 2. 1. 1 Forming Stage This stage is the initial orientation period. The members are not fully clear about the aims and the way of achieving the goals, members do not know each other and other’s abilities yet and are not familiar with the way the team leader and other members functions. This phase is complete if the members start to see themselves as a part of a group. (Barker, 2011) Judging against other groups in this stage, there were meetings held before the activity date, For instance, one of the groups wore blue t-shirts with name badges.Our group had the first meeting at Mount Cotton before the initial activity started and some of our group members were meeting for the first time. Nevertheless, we introduced ourselves, get to know each other and discuss our work experience, study background, and interest. In this time we decided to create and form the work packages and designate responsibilities amongst each other. 2. 1. 2 Storming stage In this phase, members are sorting out their place as team members.After the first stage, members are now more comfortable to work and communicate with each other, sharing their opinion and challenging the team leader’s authority and advices. In addition, some members may become dissatisfied with working with others which may lead to some challenges. This stage of group development i s the start of intergroup conflicts. (Barker, 2011) Each member of our group is from different backgrounds which made it difficult to decide and split the tasks amongst us in order to initiate this stage.For example, we had member with work experience and study backgrounds in industrial, civil engineering and architecture. The resolution that was found was divided by work packages in relation to our interest and study background. In addition to this we separate each task into two parts and formed two smaller groups who could work with eachother efficiently. 2. 1. 3 Norming stage; When conflict is established and resolved members will feel comfortable with themselves and each member will accept each other’s wants and needs.Here norms have been developed, trust is high, individual skill can be efficiently developed, and procedures for operation are clear. (Barker, 2011) Our group consists of different culture backgrounds and ways of thinking which contributed to the difficulty of understanding each member views and using our differences in a useful way so that trust can be built. After working with the group it was found that our differences were useful and helpful to develop ideas. 2. 1. 4 Performing stage;This stage is where you can turn a work group into a team. Conflict happens when the group starts to deal with the main issues. Disagreement in a group can be desirable and inevitable. These disagreements need to be dealt with by the group to move them towards a climate where this can be useful, helpful and purposeful. When dealt with correctly the conflict allows the group to look at all the views and evaluate different points of views. The team won’t be able to progress if the conflict is avoided.Conflict is essential as it leads the group to shared solutions to problems (Barker, 2011). This stage was achieved by high performance and working well together as a group. By achieving this we had to have some ideas to know how to work together. We had to look at other groups to learn more and in some cases shared our experiences to other groups. For example, there was a group who was trying to achieve a solution in the wrong and our group helped them to change their primary ideas and suggested another idea for them.Finally, by gaining some idea and mixing with the other groups, we went back to work and could solve problems quickly without deliberations. 2. 2 How well we performed as a team and what improvements do we need to make (Recommendation) Katzenback and smith (1993) observed necessity of following approaches in successful teams. 1. Establish urgency, demanding performance standards and direction 2. Selecting members for skills and skill and skill potential, not personality 3. Paying particular attention to first meeting and actions 4.Setting some clear rules and expectations for behaviour 5. Setting and seizing on several immediate performance-oriented goals and tasks 6. Challenging the group regularly, with fresh inf ormation 7. Spending time together on work and nonworking activities 8. Exploiting the power of positive feedback, recognition, and rewards. By following the eight item stated by katesenback in figure 2 which displays the strengths and what needs improvement within the teamwork with red representing what needs to be improved and blue representing strengths of group activity.As you can see the majority of items 3 and 7 show what needs to be improved within the group. These items came at the first stages of group building and teamwork. To solve this problem we had to talk to get other inputs from other groups to ensure we were on the right track. This became a consistent problem throughout the group work where every aspect of the decisions was decided last minute. The strengths can be seen when issues were resolved as discussed earlier in the conflict stage where solutions were achieved.These strengths can be seen in setting the tasks, challenging the team with fresh information and i ssuing positive recognition and feedback. Firstly the improvements on communication between the group members are essential in establishing directions and performance standards. Secondly improving participation in group meetings is crucial to achieve the goal of the tea. Lastly, assessing, indentifying and establishing behaviours earlier are essential in order to avoid problems further into the activity. 3. 0 team thinking

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Defining Prejudice Essay

Prejudice-a preconceived negative judgement of a group and its individual members. -prejudice is an attitude. The negative evaluations that mark prejudice often are supported by negative beliefs called stereotypes. Forms of prejudice Stereotype – a belief about the personal attributes of a group of people. Stereotypes are sometimes overgeneralized, inaccurate, and resistant to new information. Discrimination- unjustified negative behaviour toward a group or its members. Racism- an individual’s prejudicial attitudes and discriminatory behaviour toward people of a given race or institutional practices that subordinate people of a given race. Sexism- an individual’s prejudicial attitudes and discriminatory behaviour toward people of a given sex. Racial prejudice In the context of the world, Every race is a minority. Most folks see prejudice in other people. -is racial prejudice disappearing? -in 1942 most Americans agreed that there should be separate sections for negroes on streetcars and buses. -parents both black and white suggested that their children should know the history of blacks and whites. -most black and white would likely to vote a black American for president. In the United States, whites tend to compare the present with the oppressive past and to perceive swift and radical progress. Blacks tend to compare their present with their ideal world, which has not yet been realized, and to perceive somewhat less progress. Gender Prejudice – people’s prejudgment on others based on gender. Gender Stereotype – are simplistic generalizations about the gender attributes, differences, and roles of individuals and/or groups. Stereotypes can be positive or negative, but they rarely communicate accurate information about others. When people automatically apply gender assumptions to others regardless of evidence to the contrary, they are perpetuating gender stereotyping. Many people recognize the dangers of gender stereotyping, yet continue to make these types of generalizations. the female stereotypic  role is to marry and have children. She is also to put her family’s welfare before her own; be loving, compassionate, caring, nurturing, and sympathetic; and find time to be sexy and feel beautiful. The male stereotypic role is to be the financial provider. He is also to be assertive, competitive, independent, courageous, and career†focused; hold his emotions in check; and always initiate sex. These sorts of stereotypes can prove harmful; they can stifle individual expression and creativity, as well as hinder personal and professional growth. Ambivalent Sexism – Ambivalent sexism is an ideology composed of both a â€Å"hostile† and â€Å"benevolent† prejudice toward women. Hostile sexism is an antagonistic attitude toward women, who are often viewed as trying to control men through feminist ideology or sexual seduction. Benevolent sexism is a chivalrous attitude toward women that feels favorable but is actually sexist because it casts women as weak creatures in need of men’s protection. What causes ambivalent sexism? According to Professors Glick and Fiske, sexist ambivalence is the result of two basic facts about relations between women and men: male dominance (patriarchy) and interdependence between the sexes. Male dominance is prevalent across cultures, with men dominating high status roles in business, government, religious institutions, and so forth. Hostile sexism arises in large part because dominant groups tend to create hostile ideologies concerning the inferiority of other groups. Despite male dominance, however, men are often highly dependent upon women as wives, mothers, and romantic partners. This dependence fosters benevolent sexism, which recognizes women as valuable and attractive (an attitude not generally present in prejudices such as racism, anti-Semitism, and homophobia, in which the targets of prejudice are typically shunned or loathed). Gender Discrimination – Discrimination based on gender or sex Where and When Can Gender Discrimination Occur? Employment – Including claims that a potential employer asked discriminatory questions based on gender during the interview process; claims that an employer failed to hire, failed to promote, or wrongfully terminated an  employee based on his or her gender; unequal pay claims; and claims for sexual harassment of employees. Education – Including claims for exclusion from educational programs or opportunities based on gender; and claims for sexual harassment of students. Housing – Including claims for refusal to negotiate with a person seeking housing, claims for imposition of different lease/contract terms, and claims for refusal to extend a loan based on the gender of the applicant/tenant/buyer. Borrowing / Credit – Including claims for refusal to extend credit, claims for imposition of unequal loan terms, and claims arising from improper inquiries during the credit/loan approval process, based on the gender of the applicant. 3 SOURCES OF PREJUDICE Social Source Emotional Source Cognitive Source Social Sources of Prejudice The self-fulfilling prophecy: where a belief is accepted as truth, & in stating it, becomes true. Stereotype Threat Stereotype threat is â€Å"the threat of being viewed through the lens of a negative stereotype, or the fear of doing something that would inadvertently confirm that stereotype,† such as the stereotype that women perform poorly in math. Some students try to escape stereotype threat by misidentifying with the part of life in which the stereotype originates, such as race or ethnic identities. Emotional Sources of Prejudice Frustration & aggression: The Scapegoat Theory: When problems occur, people do not like to blame themselves. They will thus actively seek scapegoats onto whom they can displace their aggression. Scapegoats may be out-group individuals or even entire groups. Powerless people who cannot easily resist will often become victims of scapegoating. Scapegoating increases when people are frustrated &  seeking an outlet for their anger. The Realistic Group Conflict Theory When there are limited resources, then this leads to conflict, prejudice & discrimination between groups who seek that common resource. Cross-race/ Other-race Effect Refers to the tendency to more easily recognize members of one’s own race. A study was made which examined 271 real court cases. The results from this study showed that witnesses correctly identified 65 % of the defendants which were of the same race as them. On the other hand, 45% of the defendants were identified which belonged to a different race than the witnesses. Just-world Phenomenon The just-world phenomenon, refers to the tendency for people to believe that the world is â€Å"just† & so therefore people get what they deserve.† It wrongly colors our impression of â€Å"victims† of any sort. Controversies and Prominent Topics Sexism Nationalism Classism Sexual Discrimination Racism Religious Discrimination Linguistic Discrimination Reducing Prejudice The contact hypothesis The contact hypothesis predicts that prejudice can only be reduced when in-group and out-group members are brought together. In particular, there are six conditions that must be met to reduce prejudice, as were cultivated in Elliot Aronson’s Jigsaw Classroom. First, the in- and out- groups must have a degree of mutual interdependence. Second, both groups need to share a common goal. Third, the two groups must have equal status. Fourth, there  must be frequent opportunities for informal and interpersonal contact between groups. Fifth, there should be multiple contacts between the in- and the out- groups. Finally, social norms of equality must exist and be present to foster prejudice reduction.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Humans Screwed Up Essays - Anthrozoology, Free Essays, Term Papers


Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Needle Blight Tree Disease - Prevention and Control

Needle Blight Tree Disease - Prevention and Control This group of blight diseases - including Diplodia, Dothistroma and brown spot - attacks conifers (mostly pines) by girdling needles and killing branch tips. These needle blights are caused by the fungus, Dothistroma pini mostly on western pines and Scirrhia acicola on longleaf and Scots pine needles. Needle damage can cause major commercial and ornamental damage to conifers in North America significantly affecting the nursery and Christmas tree industries. Infected needles often fall from the tree creating a symptomatic scorched, denuded look. The blight usually results in dramatic browning and dropping of the foliage beginning on the lower branches. It rarely attacks upper branches on conifers so the tree might not immediately die. Diseased Needle Identification Early symptoms of a blighted needle would be deep-green bands and yellow and tan spots on needles. This deep green color banding is short-lived. The spots and bands quickly turn brown to reddish brown during the summer months. These bands tend to be brighter red and more numerous on pines in California, Oregon, Washington, and Idaho, where this disease is often referred to as the red band disease. Needles may develop extensive leaf browning within several weeks of the first appearance of symptoms. Infection is typically most severe in the lower crown. Infected second-year needles usually drop before infected current-year needles. Needles that become infected the year they emerge often are not shed until late summer the following year. Successive years of severe needle infection can result in tree death. In most cases, the disease makes pines in landscapes unsightly and pines in Christmas tree plantings unmarketable. Prevention Repeated annual cycles of disease infection can result in dead limbs and eventual loss of any meaningful ornamental or commercial value of the conifer. Breaking this infection cycle has to happen to effectively stop the fungus. Brown spot needle blight in longleaf pine is controlled using fire. The use of genetic resistant pine strains or clones has been identified in Austrian, ponderosa, and Monterey pines. Seeds from Eastern Europe have shown high resistance and are currently used to produce Austrian pines for Great Plains plantings. Sources of ponderosa pine seed have been identified as having high resistance and collected for planting in endemic areas. Control High-value nursery and Christmas tree plantings can benefit from chemical fungal control. Early detection is important and high dollar trees may be sprayed as a preventative measure in locations where the fungus is active. A copper fungicide spray program, repeated over several years, will eventually allow new, undamaged needles and branch tips to replace the diseased ones. Chemical applications should begin in spring where the first spray protects the previous years needles and the second spray protects the current years needles. When symptoms of the diseases have disappeared, you can discontinue spraying. Ask your local extension agent for recommended chemicals.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Live Performance Audio Production Analysis Coursework - 1

Live Performance Audio Production Analysis - Coursework Example In production of music industries they are referred to as studios. The Konshen’s audio performance is produced by million records studio. Therefore, it means that one audio performance from a single artist may be produced by different audio companies (Zager, 2012). Additionally, the audio Technologies also include in the audio components. These technologies include wireless microphone, in ear monitor system, speaker types, and consoles among others. Wireless microphone is a type of microphone that lacks physical cable to connect it directly to audio recording. This system consist of In ear monitors that constitute part of the audio instrument that is used by music producers to listen to music to hear costume crafted mix of vocals together with instrumentation for life performance (Zager, 2012). Monitor technicians are the specialists who deal with regulation of audio in a certain life performance. Notably, a single life performance and music production usually employs the use of numerous personalities with various and different fields or professions. Moreover, the same usually uses different music