Sunday, January 26, 2020
The Background And History Of Bullying Psychology Essay
The Background And History Of Bullying Psychology Essay Bullying can lead suicide and death, According to Centers for Disease Control suicide is caused death number three in adolescent. Study by Yale University (2008) adolescent that became victim of bullying 2 to 9 times more likely concider to suicide. Suicide case related bullying must be prevent, this situation contrary with the reality that even bullying occurs in school, but sometimes people does not aware or just think that as naughtiness of the children. From CDC (2011) prevelance of student who involved in or affected by bullying are 43.9% students middle school and 30.5% students high school, study by Owusu et al. (2011) found that 40.1% of the total sample student being bullied and likely significant have negative psycological health than students who do not become bullied. Study by Allison, Roeger and Reinfeld-Kirkman (2009) show that nearly one-fifth of adults reported having experience of bullying when they at school and this study also found that those who had been bullied significantly poorer mental and psychological health. Acording data from Global School Health Survey (GSHS) of WHO, 2007 prevalence of bullying in Indonesia is 49 %, Thailand 27,8% in 2008 and Filiphina 35.7% student in 2004. Moreover with a population of adolescents are 1,2 billion in worldwide which is 18-25% adolescent in Asia (WHO,2010) and there are 3,6 million adolescent or 18 % of the total population in Indonesia (National office of Statistic,2010) if we did not immediatly addres this problem, the future of the adolescent will be dangerous. The studies show evidenced that bullying is very dangerous for the future of students as it could cause depression or even suicide. In 2010, Kvarme, Helseth, Sateren and Natvig found that school children who have been bullied felt helpless, lonely and excluded when they were bullied, students who have been bullies have an increased risk of developing anxiety, depression. Study by Owusu, Hart,Oliver and Kang, (2011) also found that victim of bullying were significantly more likely to report negative psychological health such as signs of depression, suicide ideation, being so worried that affect sleep and loneliness. Moreover study from korea shown that Victim perpetrators reported more suicidal/self injurious behaviors (Kim, Koh,Laventhal, 2005). In 2010, Patchin and Hinduja found that Students who experienced cyberbullying both as a victim and an offender, had significantly lower self esteem than who had little or no experience with cyberbullying and also study by Schneider, ODonnell , Stueve and Coulter (2012) found that victim of bullying report low school performance and school attachment, psychological distress was highest among victim of bullying. Study about the intervention also have been conduct to overcome bullying. Blosnich and Bossarte (2011) found that having adults and staff that supervising hallways was associated with 26% decrease of peer victimization. The impat of the Olweus prevention ptogram study by Bowllan (2011) found that teacher statistically significant improvements in their capacity to identify bullying, talk to students who bully and talk with them. Study by Boulton, Bishop, Baxandall, et al. (2007) found that a majority of participant want that peer counselling as problem solving related bullying. Also study by Li, Washburn, Dubois, (2011) found that student who involved with Positive Action Program have 37% fewer violence behaviors and 41% fewer bullying behavior. The intervention program did not effective if we did not understand the bullying as problem. Topic in this study about bullying in adolescent, this topic will be help us to undestand bullying as problem. To support this topic and to identify the gap of knowledge in the community, about 25 articles that related with this topic has been colected. The articles that used were publish in 2004-2012 at the data base at Ebsco Host and Science Direct. This paper will help student to gain more knowlegde, support the idea about the bullyingin adolescent and will help to conducting the tesis in the future. In order to make a better understanding about the content of the paper. This paper will summarize the article from the definition of the phenomena, the objective, design, sample and the result of the study. And finnaly will expalin about gap of knowledge and how to fulfill the gap as the tesis plan. Summarizing Result Definition of phenomena 1. Bullying Definition of Bullying is repeated intentional infliction of injury or discomfort (physical or nonphysical) on another person over time in an imbalanced relationship (Olweus,1994). In addition to physical and nonphysical forms, bullying can also be categorized as direct or indirect, Direct bullying includes threatening, stealing, hitting, and verbal abuse, whereas indirect bullying involves social isolation, spreading rumors, and ignoring ( Van der Wal MF, de Wit CAM, Hirasing RA, 2003). Bullying as a type of interpersonal violence in which there is a power imbalance between victim and bully, typically characterized by repeated aggressive verbal and/or physical behavior with intent to harm or disturb the victim (Nansel et al., 2001; Olweus, 1993, 1994). According of Royal College of Psychiatricts (2006) Bullying is a form of aggresion that can be hurtful manner such as hit or punch other,kick or trip other up, take or spoil other things, call other names, tease other, give other nasty looks, threaten other, make nasty rumours or story about other, spread nasty rumours or stories about other, not let them join in play or games and not talk to them. The operational definition of Bullying is agression behavior that hurtful manner in direct (threatening, hitting, puch other) and indirect (verbal abuse, teasing, give other nasty looks, and make nasty rumours abot ather) with effect to physical dan phycological health which done by other people with more power in some periode of time. 2. Adolescent The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) defines adolescents as being between the ages of 10 and 19 this definition same with World Helath Organization (WHO) about adolescent. according to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Adolescents divided into three stages early adolescent (11-13 year of age), middle adolescent (14-18 year of age) and late Adolescent (19-24 year of age). According to United Nations Childrens Fund (UNICEF) in 2005, The stages of adolescence can be separated into three: early (10-13 years of age), middle (14-16), and late (17-19). In early adolescence, physical changes include physical and sexual maturation. These changes continue through middle adolescence into the late stage, adolescents are thought to be less concerned with their body image than they are during early adolescence. Cognitively, adolescents in the early stage develop concrete thinking abilities, while in middle and late adolescence, the young person moves to thinking abstractly and can develop reasoning skills. Emotionally, adolescents in the early stage are beginning to explore decision-making opportunities, while in the middle stage, they begin to develop a sense of identity, established more fully in late adolescence. Socially, during this stage, peers become a bigger influence and sexual interest usually begins. During the middle stage of adolescence, peers continue to hold influence, and sexual interest develops further. Finally, in the late stage, transitions to work and further schooling take place. Overall, The operational definition of the adolescent is young people that age around 10-19 years old. Objective of the study The most objectieve of the previous studies was the assosiation bullying with psychological distress(Schneider, ODonnell, Stueve,et all.,2012; Undheim and Sund, 2010; Kim, Koh and Leventhal,2005), Risk factor of bullying (CDC,2011; Fitzpatrick, Dulin and Piko, 2007), Psycological adjustment (Wei and Williams,2009; Owusu,Hart, Oliver,et all.,2011), School safety (Blosnich and Bossarte,2011), Psychosocial environment (Meyer-Adam and Conner,2008), Depression (Kaltiala-Heino, Frojd and Marttunen,2010; Fleming and Jacobsen, 2009), Self esteem ( Patchin and Hinduja, 2010), Preception about bullying (Frisen,Jonsson and Persson, 2007; Juvonen and Gross, 2008), Program intervention (Bowllan and Nancy, 2011), Health quality of life (Allison, Roeger and Reinfeld-Kirkman, 2009), Suicide (Kim, Koh and Leventhal,2005) and also to examine the prevalence of bullying such as study by Schneider, ODonnell, Stueve,et all.(2012) . The other objective was to explore the bullying experience (Kvarme,Helseth , and Natvig, 2010; Willis and Griffith , 2010), Peer councelling (Boulton, Trueman and Bishop, 2007) and perspective of bullying (Brown, Birch and Kancherla, 2005). Design Most of the article using quantitative design for their study which is Cross sectional studies (Wei and William, 2009;,Owusu, Hart, Oliver,et all.,2011; Undheim and Sund, 2010; Blosnich and Bossarte, 2011;Hensershot, Dake, Price and Lartey, 2006; Kim, Koh and Leventhal,2005; Fitzpatric, Dulin and Piko,2007; Juvenen and Gross, 2008; Patchin and Hinduja,2010), and Retrospective studies (Meyer-Adams and Conner,2008; Allison, Roeger, and Reinfeld Kirkman,2009; Brown, Brich and Kancherla,2005; Bond, Wolf, Tollit, Butler and Patton,2007; Chapell,Hasselman, Kitchin et all.,2008;Gukin and Lewis,2006). The rest of the article use descriptive study (Schneider, ODonnell, Stueve,et all.,2012), , Quasi experimental (Kaltiala-Heino, Frojd and Marttunen,2010 Bowllan and Nancy, 2011), Randomised Control Trial (Li, Washburn, Dubois et all.,2011) and the qualitative study that use explorative design ( Kvarme, Helseth, Sateren and Natvig, 2010 Willis and Griffith, 2010) and phenomenological (Boulton, Truemen, Bishop et all.,2007 Frisen, Jonsson and Perddon, 2007). Sample /participant Most of sample that use in that studies were students and only one study that use nurse as sample (Schneider, ODonnel, Stueve, et all.,2012). Range of the sample size was from 11 (Willis Griffith, 2010) to 20,406 (Schneider, ODonnel, Stueve, et all.,2012). The type of sampling that most use in 25 articles was random sampling (Hendershot, Dake et all.,2006; Patchin and Hinduja,2010; Allison, Roeger and Reinfeld,2009; Guckin and Lewis,2006) and the other use purpose sampling, clustered sampling and total sampling with survey and the rest of the article did not explain about the method that use to take sample. Most of the studie were conduct in America and Europe from 25 articles only 2 studies that conduct in Asia which is in Taiwan by Wei and Williams (2009) and in Korean by Kim, Koh and Levental (2005) . The age of the sample size that use in was student in middle school and high school or both of them example study by Schneider, Shari Kessel, ODonnell, Lydia, Stueve, Ann, Coulter, Robert W. S., (2012) sample was use student in grade nine-twelfth. Instrument Most of the instruments that used in the previous studies are different. Only study by Owunsu, Hart, Oliver et all.(2011) and study by Flemming Jocebsen (2009) are same used Global School Based Health Survey (GSHS). This instrument develop by WHO and conducted among students aged 13-15. This instrument used to identify health behavior and protective factor among student aged 13-15. This instrument did not specific to identy bullying but there are some content about bullying in GSHS. The instrument that specific to identify bullying was Olweus Questionnaire in this instrument identify of bullying about exposure to various physical,verbal, indirect, racial, and sexual forms of bullying/ harassment, how students bully others, where bullying occurs, pro-bully and pro-victim attitudes, and the extent to which the social environment that used in study by Bowllan and Nancy (2011). The other instrument to identify bullying was Gatehouse Bullying Scale (GBS) whis is in good to moderate test- retest reability (rho 0.65) that used in study by Bond, Wolfe, Tollit et all.(2007). Study by Undheim and Sunud (2010) was to asses prevalence of beeing bullied and behaving aggresively toward other and the psychosocial characteristics of exposed student, so they used the Mood and Feeling Questionnaire to identify psychosocial characteristic of students. The other instrument that used were Beck Depression, Rosenberg self esteem and ect. Main result Study by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2011), shown that student who involved in or affected by bullying are 43.9% students middle school and 30.5% students high school, and ussualy Bully victims were more likely to report violent family encounters than bullies and bullies were more likely to report such encounters than victims. the prevelance of cyberbullying and school bullying was 15.8% of students reported cyberbullying and 25.9% reported school bullying in the past 12 months with a majority of cyberbullying were also school bulying and then Victimization was higher among nonheterosexually youth. The Victims report low school performance and school attachment. Psychological distress was highest among victims of both cyberbullying and school bulying. (Schneider, Shari Kessel, ODonnell, Lydia, Stueve, Ann, Coulter, Robert W. S.,2012). The school nurses identified the most common barrier to dealing with bullying, which included bullying taking place where the nurse is not supervising (49%), someone else in the school being more qualified to address bullying (41%), not having enough time (26%), and not beeing prepared to handle the problem (25%). Only 14 % stated that there were no barriers to dealing with student bullying. (Hendershot C; Dake JA; Price JH; Lartey GK, 2006). In African American Adolescents Bullying behavior was higher than reported for other general student. And age, family violence, negative peer relationships and behavioral risks all contributed to increased odds of students reporting bullying behavior. (Fitzpatrick KM; Dulin AJ; Piko BF.,2007). The ages which most students had been bullied at school were between 7 and 9 years. Bullies said bullying took place when they were 10 to 12 years old. The most common reason as to why individuals are bullied was that they have a different appearance. (Frisà ©n A; Jonsson A; Persson C., 2007). When bullied, almost half said they fight back, about a fourth tell an adult, and 20% do nothing; only 8% try to talk to the bully. Nearly two thirds claimed they tell or try to stop bullying when they see it, but 16% do nothing, and 20% join in. Frequent bullies were more likely to think it is cool, to fight back when bullied, and to join in when others are bullied. Two classes of victims were apparent. Victims who also bully often said that bullying occurs because others are not friendly to bullies or because bullies want to get their way, many also admitted that they do not know how it can be stopped. Victims who do not bully were most likely to do nothing when bullied but to try to stop th e bullying of others. (Brown SL, Birch DA, Kancherla V., 2005). Data from Northern Ireland the incidence of victimization within the peer group of respondents was very high in comparison not only to previous. The report 59.2% of the respondents said that schools were proactive in bullying and did have an official policy in place and one quarter of respondents and victims who would approach the teacher and also 50.4% of all respondents believed that their school provided real help for victims. (Guckin CM, Lewis CA.,2006). Study by Kvarme LG; Helseth S; Sà ¦teren B; Natvig GK. (2010). Nearly one-fifth of adults reported having experience bullying when they were at school. Those reporting that they had been bullied experienced significantly poorer mental and psycological health compared to those who had been bullied (Allison S; Roeger L; Reinfeld-Kirkman N., 2009). The students felt helpless, lonely and excluded when they were bullid, students who have been bullies have an increased risk of developing anxiety, depression and They wanted the bullying to be recognized, assistance from the staff to stop the bullying, and to be included by their peers and from other study Victim of bullying were significantly more likely to report negative psychological health compared with those who reported not beeing bullied.such as signs of depression, suicide ideation, being so worried rried that it affects sleep and loneliness. (Owusu, Andrew, Hart, Peter, Oliver, Brittney, Kang, Minsoo. 2011). Moreover, study from korea shown that Victim perpetrators reported more suicidal/self injurious behaviors and suicidal ideation in the previous 6 months. In female students, all 3 school bullying groups had increased suicidal ideation for the previous 2 weeks but not in male students. (Kim YS; Koh Y; Leventhal B, 2005). Students who experienced cyberbullying both as a victim and an offender, had significantly lower self esteem than who had little or no experience with cyberbullying (Patchin JW; Hinduja S., 2010). Students who reported being bullied in the past month were more likely than nonbullied students to report symptoms of depression. A higher number of days of being bullied in the past moth was associated with a statitcally significant increase in reported rate of sadness and hopelessness. (Fleming LC, Jacobsen KH. 2009). Conceptual framework Most of the study did not use conceptual framework, some of the study use the conceptual framework example study by Kvarme, Helseth, Seteran and Natvig, (2010), used Quality of Live (QOL) and Solutions Focus approach and famework and also study by Wei and Williams, 2009 use The information Processing Model as a framework.. Limitation The article that review have some limitation in some study data sorce use self-reported single item such as study by Schneider, ODonnel,Stueve et all.(2012), CDC(2011), Undheim Sund (2010), Hendershot, Dake, Price et all (2006), Boulton,Trueman, Bishop et all( 2007), Juvenen and Gross(2008), self-report of negative behaviours was used as a basis for outcome measures in study by Brown, Birch and Kancherla(2005) and self report as subject to recall and social desirability bias, but some study use multiple source, cause discrepancy between measure (Wei and Williams, 2009). In the content of study did not explore contextual influences on the behaviors and the complex role that bystanders student and parents and adults in the community study by Schneider, ODonnel,Stueve et all.(2012) , The sample size that use only small sample (Kvarne, Helseth, Deteren and Natvig,2010), The sample was limited to school nurses who were member of NASN (Hendershot, Dake, Price et all,2006), Knowledge about theoretical framework to analysis and interpretation data of school nurses and researchers are limited. Use cross sectional study and causality cannot be implied (Kvarne, Helseth, Deteren and Natvig,2010), The result cannot be generalized to similar age out of school adolescents (Owusu, Hart, Oliver et all.,2011; Undheim Sund, 2010; Willish Griffith, 2010;Fitzpatrick, Dulin and Piko, 2007; Frizen, Jonsson and Persson,2007, Meyer-Adam Conner, 2008, Kaltiala-Heino, Frojd, and Marttunen, 2010; Patchin Hinduja, 2010; Bowllan Nancy, 2011; Li, Washburn , Dubois et all., 2011) with only one moderatly size city and participant restricted age range, None of the questions used in the analysis assessed the source of bullying, since there no item in the survey(Owusu, Hart, Oliver et all.,2011),The questionnaire must be more specific (Blosnich and Bossarte, 2011; Kim, Koh and Leventhal, 2005; Fleming and Jacobsen, 2009) and the length of the survey are limited (Fleming and Jacobsen, 2009). Gap of the Knowledge The article that have been review can be categorize become three part. Article that shown the prevalence of bullying or phenomena of bullying. The ages which most students had been bullied at school were between 7 and 9 years. Bullies said bullying took place when they were 10 to 12 years old. The most common reason as to why individuals are bullied was that they have a different appearance. (Frisà ©n A; Jonsson A; Persson C., 2007). In African American Adolescents Bullying behavior was higher than reported for other general student. And age, family violence, negative peer relationships and behavioral risks all contributed to increased odds of students reporting bullying behavior. (Fitzpatrick KM; Dulin AJ; Piko BF.,2007). Article that shown the effect of bullying. Study by Kvarme LG; Helseth S; Sà ¦teren B; Natvig GK. (2010). Nearly one-fifth of adults reported having experience bullying when they were at school. Those reporting that they had been bullied experienced significantly poorer mental and psycological health compared to those who had been bullied (Allison S; Roeger L; Reinfeld-Kirkman N., 2009). The students felt helpless, lonely and excluded when they were bullid, students who have been bullies have an increased risk of developing anxiety, depression and from other study Victim of bullying were significantly more likely to report negative psychological health compared with those who reported not beeing bullied.such as signs of depression, suicide ideation, being so worried rried that it affects sleep and loneliness. (Owusu, Andrew, Hart, Peter, Oliver, Brittney, Kang, Minsoo. 2011). Moreover study from korea shown that Victim perpetrators reported more suicidal/self injurious behaviors and suicidal ideation in the previous 6 months . (Kim YS; Koh Y; Leventhal B, 2005). Article that shown about the intervention that can be solution to bullying. The school nurses identified the most common barrier to dealing with bullying, which included bullying taking place where the nurse is not supervising (49%), someone else in the school being more qualified to address bullying (41%), not having enough time (26%), and not beeing prepared to handle the problem (25%). Only 14 % stated that there were no barriers to dealing with student bullying. (Hendershot C; Dake JA; Price JH; Lartey GK, 2006). The review from the article found that most of the studies conduct in the America and Europe and only two studies that conduct in Asia. Hence, the study about bullying must be improved in Asia especially in Indonesia which is have large population and did not have specific program about bullying. Bullying that have been study most of them shown the high of prevelance of the bullying, eventhough the prevelance of bullying high but we can see this as real situation condition because the sample that used was only one group of the students so the result of the study can not be generalize. Moreover the adolescent that have been categorie as the stage developmental, so to realy know about phenomena of bullying and prevalence of bullying in adolescent study about bullying in three stage of developmental in adolescent must be conduct in the future. Understand the effect of bullying and the urgention of this problem, prevention program and intervetion program to decrese prevelence of bullying must be done. But the problem is the program will be fail if we give the program in the wrong student. So identify the student that can be victim of the bullying will be help to prevent the bullying. What the determinats of personal factors that related to victim of bullying and the association bullying with self esteem which is part of self concept . Who the victim ? Effect of bullying Bullying Intervention of bullying How to fullfill the gap The gap of knowledge that we found can become reseach question. The reseach question that we found were who the victim of bullying?, how the bullying in indonesia and how the relationship between bullying and self esteem? Reseach question must be answered with study in the future. To answer the reseach question the purpose of the study must be setting. From reseach question in above, the objective of the study are : The prevalency of bullying in indonesia To examine the determinants of personal factors that related to bully victim The association bullying with self esteem. Instrument The instrument that used to answer the reseach questian are : The Olweus bully/ victim questionnaire The Rosenberg scale of self esteem The reseach design of this study are cross sectional with regression. Sample The sample that used are student from the 10-19 years old. With type of sample are stratified sampling. The conceptual framework In this study will use conceptual frame work of the developmental of adolescent and the concept of self esteem
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Furman Selz
The firm had a unique approach to everything ââ¬â from hiring employees, selecting clients to providing services. As the firm grew in size and in revenues, its founders realized the need for professional management. This brought about the very first change ââ¬â in form of Edmund Hails. With a highly structured and consistent approach, Hajji set out to re-form the entire system and expand the company with the help of Steve Belcher, COO.The new P&L's (Profit ; Loss system) and Compensation system were Ingredients of this change management process. During the acquisition process, Farman Sell witnessed drastic culture hinges from the Orlando Clan culture to a Bureaucracy one. Farman Sell was acquired by Xerox Financial Services Inc. In 1987. On one hand, the people of Farman Sell were put-off by the bureaucratic style and on the other hand, the firm enjoyed being under the umbrella of a big brand.Following the ââ¬ËBlack Monday' of 1987, the financial services sector was badly hit and even though the performance of Farman Sell was above average, Xerox decided to sell its financial services unit and once again, Farman Sell became a private company owned by the firm's management and a group of employees. Edmund Hajji took over the reins and quickly distributed company stocks to key employees in order to retain them. The firm then focused on aggressive hiring of new talent and expansion of Its business.Farman Sell became a very sought-after company to work with. In 1995 the Federal Reserve relaxed the Glass-Steal regulations, which had emerged as a way to control the banking industry after the Great Depression. Then there were few restrictions when commercial banks want to combine with security business and vice versa. As a result, many mid-sized investing banks were looking to merge with larger rims and therefore attain growth and the possibility to participate in larger deals.As business grew across various dimensions, Farman Sell realized that they were à ¢â¬Ët competitive and they lost a lot of deals because of smaller size of the firm, limited equity and the businesses that were increasingly becoming global, especially when there was huge growth In mergers and acquisitions. This Is when INNING Barings acquired Farman Sell, pursuing an international expansion strategy in both banking and Insurance. The acquisition made by INNING shows clear failures in the 3-Stages Model of Merges and Acquisitions.In the first stage, ââ¬Å"Pre-Combinationâ⬠, there Is a lack of the cultural assessment needed by the HRS department. It Is needed to evaluate the philosophies and values of both companies, and therefore understand among toners, ten learning styles, relative value AT stats Consolers or ten value AT teamwork versus the individual performance and recognition. Thus, it would be easier for both companies to develop a plan for managing the process of the M;A. In the INNING case, there seems to be a lack of this pre-combination assessmen t, in that the company wanted to climb up the rankings without investing more money.They din ââ¬Ët understand that the company the day before the acquisition was the same as the day after. INNING Barings had most of its business in commercial banking and insurance, with absolutely no business lines in areas of Investment banking. Almost immediately, tension started developing between managers of INNING Barings and Farman Sell because there were differences in agreement on key business issues. The complexities in structure of INNING were not taken well by former Farman Sell employees.Regarding the second stage, ââ¬Å"Combination-Integrating the Company', there are several decisions that would help n the process of the acquisition. Firstly, there was no integration manager, who is a key person ââ¬â not in running of the business, but in attaining a higher percentage of retention of the acquired managers and key employees and at the same time in achieving the business goals ear lier. Second, INNING group decided to have 2 co-leaders in the new company and this created confusion. The workers felt that they din ââ¬Ët understand the expectations that INNING had.In order for a M&A to succeed, it is necessary to have a strong leader who can manage the new business combination ND avoid uncertainty, lack of direction and the adjournment of important decisions. In this second stage, clear and positive communication is extremely important. It is also necessary to identify key employees and develop the incentives process in order to retain them. It is evident that INNING did not realize the importance of investing time and money into the newly formed relationship with Farman Sell resulting in failure to achieve common ground while making business decisions.Lack of communication usually leads to confusion, reduced productivity, a high level of uncertainty and low morale. The situation was worsened by the departure of key management personnel, one after the other, in a very short span of time. The problem can be attributed to poor integration post acquisition. It seems that INNING understood who the key players were, and positioned them in different departments, such as Steve Blob (Research), Bill Shutter and Chris Moore (Corporate Finance), who along with Bill Torsos were called the ââ¬Å"troikaâ⬠and developed a new incentive system to ease the complexity created.The problem arose when as a consequence of the Russian debt crisis, only a small number of top performers received bonuses and most of other employee din t receive anything, even though INNING Barings had no part in the Russian problem. As a result of pessimism and the problems with bonuses, many talented people left the company. Statistics reveal that about 70-80% of mergers fail to provide value to the company. The people driving the business are the single most important factor determining the success of a merger or acquisition and this fact cannot be ignored.The 6th Princ iple for Managing Change shows us the importance of the different stakeholders in the company when it under goes changes. The company needs to understand who are these key stakeholders and prioritize them. While the senior management of Farman Sell was supporting the acquisition there were many employees across several levels of management that fold under the category of Skeptics. I nose are ten people winos n seas nave to De reassess Tort smooth transitioning. Looking at the Change Curve we see several reactions of employees of Farman Sell ââ¬â from initial shock to denial and anger.It is evident from the fact that people felt betrayed when they realized that they were ;t going to be an independent subsidiary. At the same time, HRS personnel at Farman Sell were not forth coming in haring information, because they were angry at how things had been handled. Finally, everything led to Depression, when a lot of key employees left the company. If INNING had invested sufficient money and effort towards smooth integration, the curve could follow the intended path to acceptance, discovery and integration.Now that Farman Sell has already been acquired by INNING Barings, we strongly recommend that INNING invests additional funds as well as effort for a smooth integration and sustainability. This includes looking into various issues: * Management issues * Talent recruitment, compensations and rewards Alignment of HRS policies * Defining a vision for the newly acquired company * Identifying procedures that work well with both parties * Identifying cultural barriers to progress In addition, internal communication is also a critical tool.A seamless communication will ensure that people do not become pessimistic and lose confidence. It will reassure employees and instill a greater sense of belonging. In cases of M & A, involving cross-border deals, cultural differences, legislative complexities, local know- how and ways of doing business all provide obstacles to smooth transitioning and progress. A lot more sensitivity is required when affecting such deals ââ¬â both pre acquisitions as well as post-acquisition.For example, the newly formed teams may face inter-personal conflict and not be clear about its responsibilities and goals. Ideally, post an acquisition, efforts should be made to allow the acquired firm retain its best management practices and values that are important to its managers. This will help create greater harmony in operations. In addition, a feedback taken from different levels of management can help identify problem areas and allow senior managers find ways to resolve them.
Friday, January 10, 2020
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Thursday, January 2, 2020
The Art of War - 1441 Words
THE ART OF WAR REACTION PAPER Sun Tzu, the author of The Art of War, wrote one of the oldest and famous books to be written in history. The Art of War, is a Chinese military treatise that has become more than just for military use, itââ¬â¢s utilized in almost all aspects of todayââ¬â¢s world. Businesses, sports, politics, education, and so many more have interpreted The Art of War and used it in their everyday lives. The Art of War portrays fighting as a guide serving a dual purpose, suggesting that strategy is not just useful for fighting but for achieving success in life. There are many quotes by Sun Tzu that relates my personal struggles and accomplishments over the course of my life. ââ¬Å"Can you imagine what I would do if I could do all Iâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦In my case, invincibility was my victory, my attack. My offense was my defense. ââ¬Å"There are not more than five musical notes, yet the combinations of these five give rise to more melodies than can ever be heard. There are not more than five primary colours, yet in combination they produce more hues than can ever been seen. There are not more than five cardinal tastes, yet combinations of them yield more flavours than can ever be tasted.â⬠(Tzu) The key things that come to mind when I hear this quote is diversity and teamwork. Diversity, a term not to describe just human race but diversity in mind sets, personality, and ideas. Teamwork is working together to achieve something great. Sun Tzuââ¬â¢s expression in the combination of five musical notes give rise to more melodies than can ever be heard is saying with diversity and teamwork can arise something beyond great. Strength comes in numbers. At Johnson amp; Wales, working in teams and groups is what theyââ¬â¢re infamous for. In my personal experience, not every group work resulted in greatness; however Iââ¬â¢ve had some positive experience. In my tradeshow class thereââ¬â¢s five individuals, with five distinctive personalities, in one group working on a term project. It may seem chaotic; on the contrary, it had amazing results. I expressed some ideas about what to do for tradeshow ideas, and then other members of the team would heighten my ideas to areas that I wouldââ¬â¢ve never even considered. Working together didnââ¬â¢t alwaysShow MoreRelatedWar On The War Of Art1658 Words à |à 7 PagesWar in Art Introduction Everybody thinks they know what art should be. But very few of them have the sense that is necessary to experience painting, that is the sense of sight, that sees colors and forms as living reality in the picture. -- Otto Dix (Mulch, page 1) War in art. It was not an easy job and yet to this day has not gotten easier. There are two different sides when it comes to war art. 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The book was written by a Chinese military leader named Sun Tzu, who commanded and analyzed his military over the Warring States Period of China. Sun Tzu produced this text in an attempt to provide future military advantages for the Chinese, but The Art of Warââ¬â¢s ideas eventually spread to neighboring civilizations and empires. The ideas and facts expressedRead MoreArt of War Summary1109 Words à |à 5 PagesArt of War is a famous Chinese military strategy book written by Sun Tzu, an ancient Chinese military general. He was famous during his time and for his work entitled Art of War, which made him known even up to our century. According to Wallace (2010), Sun Tzu is the author of one of the most prominent pieces of literature during the era of the Warring States in which China entered around the first millennium B.C.E. In this work of art Sun Tzu tak es a rational approach to the problem of conflictRead MoreArt of War Summary1109 Words à |à 5 PagesArt of War is a famous Chinese military strategy book written by Sun Tzu, an ancient Chinese military general. He was famous during his time and for his work entitled Art of War, which made him known even up to our century. According to Wallace (2010), Sun Tzu is the author of one of the most prominent pieces of literature during the era of the Warring States in which China entered around the first millennium B.C.E. In this work of art Sun Tzu takes a rational approach to the problem of conflictRead MoreThe Prince And The Art Of War890 Words à |à 4 PagesGeneral: During the early European renaissance, military and political influencer Niccolo Machiavelli published several influential works, including The Prince and The Art of War. His work s greatest impacts were expanding on the brutal nature of realpolitik and realism to maintain peace within a highly competitive system and pr omoting the war manpower shift from mercenaries to citizen militias with buy-in. Many nation-states use his political and military ideals as a basis for their own statecraft andRead MoreThe Art of War for Managers1438 Words à |à 6 PagesThe Art of War for Managers While ââ¬Å"The Art of Warâ⬠was written by Sun Tzu during the 6th century B.C., long before the colonization of the Americas, the onslaught of the Crusades, and before the Persian Wars of around 490 B.C., it remains relevant to this day. There is also strong evidence that the work inspired Napoleon and was used in the planning of Operation Desert Storm. ââ¬Å"The Art of Warâ⬠has withstood the sands of time due to its simplistic approach, and its applicability to non-militaryRead MoreThe Art of War Essays2163 Words à |à 9 PagesThe earliest known writings on war did not take the form of treatises but narratives. Poems, such as those by Homer and the Epic of Gilgamesh glorified heroes while prose accounts carved into Egyptian, Assyrian, and Babylonian monuments described individual campaigns and battles. However, these tales with their gods and godlike heroes may or may not have contained any historical truths. In China a third type of military writing emerged. Afte r the fall of the Chou (c. 400 BC) China divided into principalities
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