Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Spanish vs. English colonization of America Essay - 1

Spanish vs. English colonization of America - Essay Example Spanish conquest and colonization. There were millions of people living in the Americas when Christopher Columbus arrived in 1492. In the following centuries the population of the Native Americans decreased steadily (Brading 48). The writings of the Dominican friar Bartolomà © de Las Casas vividly depict atrocities committed on the natives by the Spanish conquistadors. â€Å"It was a general rule among Spaniards to be cruel; not just cruel, but extraordinarily cruel so that harsh and bitter treatment would prevent Indians from daring to think of themselves as human beings or hav-ing a minute to think at all.† (Las Casas 70). At the same time, the Spanish rulers in America were unhappy at the high mortality rate of the natives, since they wanted to exploit the Indians laborers. The Spaniards were committed to converting their American subjects to Christianity, often by force. However, as Cook mentions (94), â€Å"American groups simply blended Catholicism with their traditional beliefs, which could not have been regarded as a success†. Nowadays, among many scholars it is believed that epidemic disease was the main cause of the population decline — the figure of 80% is mentioned related to those who may have died due to European diseases, such as chicken-pox and measles (Cook 94, 212).

Monday, February 3, 2020

How Race Specific Regiments in WWII Influenced Modern Day U.S Research Paper

How Race Specific Regiments in WWII Influenced Modern Day U.S. Military - Research Paper Example The presence of racial segregation in the United States armed forces depicted the widespread segregation mostly in the Black-American south. They were banned from visiting white dominated regions and had to attend inferior schools. Attempts to fight for their rights was met by terrorism and lynching such as the Ku Klux Klan. Nevertheless, the outbreak of the Second World War and deficiency of manpower led to enrollment of other races in the army such as the Africans, Mexicans, and Japanese. Their contribution and the success of wars led to recognition and desegregation by other leaders and American citizens. To evaluate the contribution of these individuals in the Army, this paper will analyze the Navajo code talkers, Buffalo soldiers, and the 442nd Japanese unit regiment. Buffalo Soldiers Most of the United State history centers on The Gold Rush, Gunfights, Indians, and Cowboys. However, the contribution of the black in the West expansion was of little knowledge. This is based on th e fact that enslavement and racism was at a higher rate despite the insinuation that it was a Free State. In regards to this perception, enslavement was more of a mental than physical aspect (Fioner, 1965). The Black Americans contribution was realized in several areas of U.S development such as commerce, wars and in the ranches. Unlike the prevailing misconception that the present Americans achievement is founded on the accomplishments of the Caucasians, Blacks had immense contribution than the natives. The misconception is based on imprisonment of the blacks and the little efforts they made were met with less credit (Katz, 1967). In America, Blacks were thought to be inferior thus hindering their advances if they could have been given a chance. Despite the presence of many obstacles, Blacks were able to struggle in aiding the America west expansion. The wars offered the Blacks with an opportunity to explore America and make their way out from the South and at large to break the so cial situation of racism. Though United States approved Blacks enlisting in the war, they were not protected from the Indians since they were placed in the war fronts (Fioner, 1965). As a result, Blacks’ residents and forts were abandoned. Racism was at its highest order since the Easterners and Southern U.S population despised the presence of Negro soldiers in their community or their neighborhood. Similarly, Blacks were excluded from general employment prospects. Therefore, the enrollment in the military was welcomed since they were sure of pension, shelter, medical attention, steady pay, and education once recruited in the forces. Though initial recruitment was dedicated to filling quotas regardless of the recruits’ soldiering skills and capability, constant replacements at the place of work called for recruitment of enlightened and educated Blacks. Black soldiers in the U.S war against Indians, fought with the zeal to win and devoted their lives in wars in regard t o their own personal believes. They perceived to gain equality and respect they had suffered under slavery. Nevertheless, United States development that was based on enslavement could not grant this component of freedom through devotion to war. Life and death struggles characterized the Blacks’ efforts in the hostile environments that they were constantly relocated. Their loyalty to United States