Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Psychology of Women by Ethel Person - 1100 Words

Psychology of Women by Ethel Person (Movie Review Sample) Content: SurnameCourseLecturerDateMovie review: Psychology of WomenThis movie is part of the Open Mind movie collection, produced by Open Mind in June 6, 1984 with Ethel Person as the guest starring. The main theme of the movie is gender. It is generally about how females are better than their male counterparts in every way. For instance, the movie shows that several studies have inferred that there are no particular differences in gender between women and men. However, the movie claims that women are more intelligent than men. The movie also infers that women are more effective leaders than men as well as girls, in school, being better than boys. According to my opinion, this movie is not objective as it was produced through the feminist perspective lens that is majorly focused on the superiority of women against men. I personally believe that all sexes have equal rights in the society. The facts in the movie are based on meta-analysis of research. However, due to its bias n ature, it may fail to capture the attention of much audience. In spite of all these, the movie offers an extraordinary, enjoyable well detailed trailer to the psychology of women. This movie is hence appropriate for audience from a broad and/ or variety of backgrounds. As comprehensive as it is, the movie depicts the experiences of women through emphasis on the empirical research and direct quotations. The movie is known for its effective balance of readability, scholarship, and inclusion of several kinds of women. The movie also reflects genuine understanding and interest of its audience for whom the movie was produced. The movie includes discussions of themes like pregnancy, welfare issues, and women retirement, as well as a chapter on old age. These elements are central in the lives of many women and are not covered consistently in other movies.The movie has an intense introduction of the psychology of women and the aspects that women go through in their entire lives. In an inten se analysis of the movie, the movie details gender stereotypes and other gender biases, adolescence, childhood and infancy, achievement motivation and cognitive abilities, women and work, gender comparisons in personality and social characteristics, love relationships, childbirth, pregnancy and motherhood, sexuality, women and physical health, violence against women, and women and psychological disorders, and women and older adults. These are covered in details in this movie, hence gives the readers an intense summary of what the life of most women entail. The movie also provides an up to date examination of the comprehensive coverage of the themes and the field of women psychology. The movie has also continually examined various themes that form the center of the lives of most women just as mentioned above. Open Mind has also provided coverage of significant themes on the lives of women such as ethnic diversity, social class, womenà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s retirement, and pregnancy.The movie h as addressed well four vital themes that relate to the life of a woman. These themes include: different reactions of people to women and men; the typical inconsistent and small psychological gender difference; the variations of women from one another; and the visibility of women compared to men in some significant areas. The movie also has consistent and proven features of pedagogy such as outlines that offer overall structure of each title in the beginning, as well as true or false statements close to the beginning of every scene which encourages the audience to foreshadow the vital issues and concerns to be watched in the movie. The movie enables the audience to evaluate and examine themes using the most current perspective. This is so because of being known remarkably as up to date women psychology movie.The director of the movie was just splendid. From the way he explains the events in the story to the way he adheres to rules of directing. Sound is used throughout the movie to c onvey specific emotions to the observer. This movie is characterized by slow acoustic melodies in the beginning to make the viewer feel a sense of forlornness. In addition, the movie uses a greater sense of dialogue. Most of the time visual influence is overlooked by most people. However, in this movie the visual sense is very clear that you are an observer of the main characterà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s life. Almost all of the shots displayed are shots from an outside person observing the main characters life. Psychology of Women is fairly long. There are few instances when the movie felt a bit drawn out, but the intelligence action scenes and impressive dialogue really held the audienceà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s attention. However, the timeline is somehow unclear because it was difficult to ascertain whether it had been days, months or years had passed since the last character had been on screen.The beauty of watching this movie is that it uses a simple language that makes the reader effortlessly flow with a lot of precision. Its simple nature makes one to understand the situation and the solution and thus helps in transforming his attitude towards change. This parable can be applied to schools, business, church groups, military organizations or any other place where you find people who may resist or fear change. Even though more skeptical and analytical people may find the movie too simplistic, its other beauty is the ability to sum up all natural cultural aspects and indicates clearly the relevance of women of color in few scenes. Often, people get too comfortable and they feel entitled to the kind of lifestyle ...

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