Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Image Analysis and Description Social Media

Question: Discuss about theImage Analysis and Descriptionfor Social Media. Answer: Image one The image of Real.lives.matter shows an individual trapped in the world of social media and seeking a breakthrough in having control over actual life events. The hands at the center are symbolic to an individual chained up to social media applications such in the names of Facebook, Instagram, and twitter (Aaron, 2016). Notably, these social media platforms have tendencies of overpowering people in positioning and establishing their place in the society as they lose focus on the most important aspects of life. Social media has a degree of control over the lives of individuals and this has been manifested by the enactment of laws to assist in the subsidizing of the effects associated with media influence. The police have been pointed out as the main influence in social media law enforcement strategies and how they purpose in fighting crime related activities through the social media. Humanity is lost and chained in the digital unreal world thanks to the frequent technological advancements in interaction platforms each and every day of our lives. The Effects Used I have employed the use of photoshop in the pictures in correctly positioning the logos of social media applications on the police men, and I have also used the effect of duplication. I have also correctly positioned the police uniforms and successfully cut the faces of the policemen using quick selection tool to help in reducing their size. In the background of the image is a focal point of the hands and policemen with a white color effect achieved through decreasing opacity. The person chained in the image seeks to venture into the real world, but the influence of the social media platforms provide hindrances in accessing the normal life. Symbolically, the image of the three cops with and a man in chains carrying a phone shows the inhumane treatment of the black people and how their rights are expressly violated. Additionally, the title of the image (Real.lives.matter) is written in a white font and the layer brought in front, with a white bar behind the words. This has been achieved by using the rectangle tool to facilitate writing and the opacity of the black bar has been lowered. Therefore, the slogan REAL.LIVES.MATTER shows how individuals want to break out or not be used by social media and have control over their ideal world. Ethical Issues in My Image Working I consider my work with high regards and as such ethical issues associated with it come up in the form of creativity, ownership, representation, service and nature of profits. Notably, these are usually confused with the new technologies application which is heightened by preferences in cultures, the personality of an individual, ambitions, and political affiliations (Wiles, Coffey, Robinson and Heath, 2012). Image two This second image shows a young girl trapped in a cage, in an unreal world, making her lose connection to her social life at large, to her friends. The dark cage is symbolic to the dark world she is trapped in due to her commitment to the use of social media interaction platforms in the form of twitter (Aaron, 2016). The conceptual idea in the image displayed above is how the use of twitter has distracted individuals from the ideal world and making them embrace the digital space. This is supported by the fact that the lady is trapped in a cage that she cannot escape from as she is a slave to technology and the friends symbolically laugh at her separation from the social life. The Effects Used I have used contrast in making the inside of the cage dark to help in enhancing symbolism and the girls photo has been brought to the middle as a second layer. The image has been layered behind and cropped into a smaller position to make it fit into the cage. The eraser tool has been used to blur the background image that is unwanted and the square selection tool utilized in getting rid of the cage bars. The bars have been removed to make the girl seemingly look inside the cage, and additionally the edges have been softened and added depth by using emboss and bevel. The background has been resized to fit the images by bringing the layer to the extreme back, and the girl and cage to the bottom right hand corner of the image. The inside of the cage has been colored with paint brush tool and the magic eraser tool used in getting rid of the white background. Additionally, the smoothness of the image has been adjusted to feather type and the selection tool has been used in pasting people in the background. There is resizing of the people to a smaller fit to make them look like they are on the grass, with a layer of white background on top of the park. The opacity has been decreased to make the background light and the resized twitter icon placed on top of the cage, and proportionally layered at the front. There are more twitter icons around the girl in the cage who seems to be tweeting to the whole world, but in the real sense taking to herself. Images and Copyright Laws Generally, when an image is developed, the designer owns the copyrights to that image unless it is made for hire. A work made for hire is as a result of a designer hired to take photographs for a person or is told to provide an image for compilations and signing of a written agreement. The images I made will be used online and registration with the copyright office of United States of America is compulsory, and when not done in time, I still retain the copyright rights of the image. The rights of individuals are different when it relates to copyrights of images, hence the need for my utmost care in my photography works (Tushnet, 2012). References Anon, (2016). [Online] Available at: [Accessed 16 Oct. 2016]. Anon, (2016). [Online] Available at: [Accessed 16 Oct. 2016]. Anon, (2016). [Online] Available at: [Accessed 16 Oct. 2016]. Anon, (2016). [Online] Available at: [Accessed 16 Oct. 2016]. Tushnet, R., 2012. Worth a Thousand Words: The Images of Copyright. Harvard Law Review, pp.683-759. Wiles, R., Coffey, A., Robinson, J. and Heath, S., 2012. Anonymisation and visual images: issues of respect, voiceand protection.International Journal of Social Research Methodology,15(1), pp.41-53

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