Monday, May 18, 2020

Summary Of The Assistance To The Elderly - 967 Words

Brief Facts: The Assistance to the Elderly, Inc., a 501(c)(3) organization is the umbrella company of Residential Plaza at Blue Lagoon, a non-profit assisted living facility providing services since 1990, subsequently, the age of the facility will require more funds for maintaining the structure and its surroundings. The facility accommodates 320 seniors with an income ratio of 80% low income and 20% medium income. The ethnic segmentation is 100% Hispanics and the average age is ?. Industry Challenges: What is the greatest challenge the assisted living facilities is facing? The industry faces numerous challenge from a dramatic increase in the elderly population, increase health cost, limited affordable housing and services. â€Å"The†¦show more content†¦The Memory Care program is for adults with Alzheimer’s Disease or other dementia-related disorders, offering affordable, 24-hour specialized care. The funding for this program will benefit the advancement of the Montessori for Aging and Dementia philosophy, an innovative approach to dementia care with the goal of supporting people with dementia by treating them with respect and dignity – enabling them to make choices and to live as independently as possible. The Infrastructure program will apply for grants that will assist the facility in the upkeep and maintenance of the building. The Staff Training program will allow the current and new staff to learn the latest best practices for caring for seniors. The Health and Wellness program will allow the growth of activities to meet the needs of seniors. Health Fair will be an outreach program for underserved communities in Miami, Florida. Caregivers Fair will be an outreach program for underserved communities in Miami, Florida. Person-Centered Care focuses on meeting the individual resident’s needs. Decisionmaking is directed by the resident to maximize their independence, and staff assistance is not task-oriented Person-centered caring is based on the concept that the staff and management know each resident, and understands their medical and personal history, their needs, preferences, and expectations. The staff form meaningful relationships with theShow MoreRelatedEvolution of Programs and Services for Aging Populations Over the Last Fifty Years864 Words   |  4 Pagesbaby boomers in America turned 65. 2011- Enactment of the Community Living Assistance and Supports (CLASS) program Description of Programs and Services In 1935 the Social Security Act was established to provide Old Age Assistance and Old Age Survivors Insurance and in 1950, then President Truman, held the first of all National Conferences on Aging and the first federal social service programs were funded for the elderly in 1952. 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